Thursday, January 18, 2018

Student Success Statement

Image result for thomas s monson

" you cant be right by doing wrong; you cant be wrong by doing right." ~ Thomas S. Monson

What i believe this means is that if decide at one point to do what is wrong you cant take it back and do something wrong. And if you do something right instead of wrong you did what is right. Example if you or even i at some point decide to smoke or do something that we shouldn't; we wont be able to replace it by going back in time and doing whats right. But we can do something incredible which is to start making better decisions by going onto the right path and keep it there instead of making left turns. So if you make a poor decision you must correct it by not making it a bad habit. For example use those bad habits for good. For example lets say you cheat on test; not time make a better decision and study next time. It isn't that hard to study at least once a day. So ill say to start choosing the right. 

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