Tuesday, January 30, 2018

medical career research: optometrist

  • They perform vision test and analyze results
  • They diagnose sight problems (such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and glaucoma)
  • They prescribe eye glasses, eye contacts and other visual aids  
  • prescribe medication (only if state permits) 
  • $103.900 yearly
  • $49.95 hourly
  • Doctoral or Profession Degree 
  • Growth of 27% as of 2014 
Image result for optometrist

REFLECTION: would you like to become one? why or why not? 
No I wouldn't like to become one because its not a job that i would want.

Friday, January 26, 2018

student success statement

"what's right isn't always popular. what's popular isn't always right." ~ Albert Einstein
    what this means is that you must do what is right even when nobody thinks its cool. You must do what your gut tells you to do. For example i'm always at church because I like being there; my friends sometimes tell me that i'm too much of a catholic because i'm at church. But oh well, I go to church because I get to help the poor and give food to the ones in need. For example, last year we went the poorest country in mexico to make food for them for the kids who just wanted one piece of meat and yeah I might judged by others saying that i'm lame. But the truth is that when I see the person smiling or telling me thank you that is more than enough. Maybe its a small little detail but at least I know that I did what was right. And honestly I feel sorry for those who didn't get to see hope in their eyes because it was a great feeling. Therefore, I choose to do what is right not what is is popular. But in the other hand I get it sometime you feel like if you never do something popular you will never fit in. But if you never do something right you will never be happy.
Image result for albert einstein

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

student success statement: Dr. Ben Carson

" I hated poverty. Poverty is more of a choice than anything else, and i can change that (poverty). It depends on how hard i want to work, and i decided that i would change it" ~Dr. Ben Carson.

    Image result for BEN CARSON    what i feel towards this quote from is that i couldn't have said it better. I've been looking up at Ben Carson for the longest. I remember being in the fifth grade when i got to see his movie "Gifted Hands". I remember him saying "mom i have no imagination" i also remember her telling him and his brother "my boys will not be stupid" and she would put them to read. At first they didn't like it because they would watch TV all day long. At one point he did something which i know that he regrets but he also did something amazing for twins and their family. The movie goes on saying how his education and his mom got him to move ahead. And honestly i feel like i can relate to him because my mom is very hard on me. She wants me to be hardworking, independent, and to be the best i can be. And yes there is some days that you might not be feeling it but it pays off; it really does. But at the end of the day the option isn't your moms or dad choice its your. Your the only one who can decide your future. Therefore focus on yourself and what will benefit you.

Current Event: Depression

     Image result for Depressed patient                                                                                  A health issue that can be present is depression. Depression is when you feel the lack of doing everything; you don't want to get up of bed and feel uninterested to do anything.Symptoms for depression are feeling sad,hopeless,and emptiness.You may also experience angry outburst over small matters,anxiety constantly feeling restless.In addition you might feel as if your past is with you to haunt you.You will feel as if your past failure will always be in the back of your head. There will be moments when a person will feel as if the only option they have left is to kill themselves. I HIGHLY recommend if someone you know is going through depression don't let them cry for help to you instead you must help them with out them pleading you to help them  because they are fighting a war within themselves that they have no control over.But, i get it some people don't want to talk about it so therefore you must help them find someone they could trust.The doctors that are most likely to help you out when it comes to depression is your regular doctor or someone who specializes in mental health.Depression relates to me because I've been through that path a few times and i have some close friends who have been in that path.Gladly, my friends had friends who helped them out and they were able to help me out. 

Monday, January 22, 2018


Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Represent clients in criminal and civil litigation and other legal proceedings.
  • They also draw up legal documents
  • They also advise or manage on legal transactions
  • Most lawyers are mostly outside a courtroom by interviewing their clients.
  • They also do most of their time doing research
  • A lawyer should be a good citizen whom has the highest skill 
  • $115,820 per year
  • $55.69 per hour
  • Seven years of full time study after high school
  • Four years of undergraduate study
  • Three years of law school
  • Pass the LSAT test 
  • And by passing you'll get a J.D degree 
  • You can also get a professional degree
  • They might also have a doctoral degree 
Demand or need: 
  • This job will grow by 14% 
Reflection: would you like to become one why? why not? 
  • I would like to become one but i can have my lazy moments. And i know that with this job i will have many days like that so i rather not right now.
  Image result for a lawyer 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Student Success Statement

Image result for thomas s monson

" you cant be right by doing wrong; you cant be wrong by doing right." ~ Thomas S. Monson

What i believe this means is that if decide at one point to do what is wrong you cant take it back and do something wrong. And if you do something right instead of wrong you did what is right. Example if you or even i at some point decide to smoke or do something that we shouldn't; we wont be able to replace it by going back in time and doing whats right. But we can do something incredible which is to start making better decisions by going onto the right path and keep it there instead of making left turns. So if you make a poor decision you must correct it by not making it a bad habit. For example use those bad habits for good. For example lets say you cheat on test; not time make a better decision and study next time. It isn't that hard to study at least once a day. So ill say to start choosing the right. 

The Harmful Effects of Marijuana

       Marijuana can harm you in multiple ways both short term or long term depending on how long you did the drug. For example, having issues solving mathematical problems, altered senses, changes in mood, altered sense of time and many more. As for long term, loss of mental ability, general knowledge loss, and verbal ability loss, and probably a burned out lung. even though numbers had decreased since 1996 we fear numbers will increase for seniors in high school. I can promote non-marijuana use by doing a call to action alert. Meaning that we must spread what marijuana does to you health wise. I promise to not use marijuana because if i do i am harming myself which can lead to repercussions when i'm older.
Image result for MARijuanaImage result for MARijuana

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Occupational Therapist

duties and responsibilities:

  • they treat patients recover if they are ill, injured, or disabled.
  • they treat their patients with therapeutic strategies. 

  • $80,150 as of 2015
  • $38.54 hourly 
  • masters degree 
  • and bachelors degree in occupational therapy
Demand or need for this profession 
  • 27% as of 2014
  • 114,600 jobs
reflection: would you like to become one, why? why not?
I would like to become one because I get to be active with my patients and help them out.
Image result for occupational therapist

Thursday, January 11, 2018

student success statement: Dean Smith

"I wasn't trying to leave a legacy. I was trying to do what was right." Dean Smith

Image result for dean smith
     What Dean Smith was trying to do was to do what was right instead of trying to leave a legacy. But of course choosing the right comes with great wishes. For example all he wanted was to be a man who saw good in all his team players; he never said me but we because he knew that his team was family to him. He would always set a great example to the everyone by being a man with a big heart who didn't teach his team that it was about winning but doing what was right. And when the opposing team didn't win the first thing he would do was follow his heart to do the right thing what was right by comforting the other coach because he himself had been there. therefore, all his kids whom he taught loved him as a father because of all the good he taught them. In addition, he taught them so wisely that they went on to be important people in the world because they did what he taught them. But the saddest day of all was when Dean Smith retired he was loved by so many people that it broke his heart to leave as much as the peoples.

medical career: nursing home administrator

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • overseeing staff and personnels 
  • medical care 
  • medical supplies
  • financial matters
  • $109,235 as of January 2, 2018
  • $97,219 - $121,661 mostly all the time
Education Needed: 
  • a bachelors degree in healthcare administration
  • masters in long term care administration
  • masters in health services administration
  • masters in public health and business administration
Demand or Need for this career: 
  • this career is expected to grow 17% by 2024.
Image result for nursing home administrator  

reflection: would you like to become one why? why not?
No, i wouldn't like to become one because of too much education means too much money.

Class Evaluation: LAST DAY IN SCHOOL

There are multiple things i liked about this class. One for example, is all the student success statements that Mr. Haymore has taught us. H...