Friday, April 13, 2018


" I have been asked what i mean by 'word of honor.' I will tell you: place me behind prison walls -walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching ever so far into the ground- there is an possibility that in some way or another i might be able to escape; but stand me in a floor and draw a chalk line around me and give my word of honor never to cross it. Can i get out the circle? No, never! I'd die first" ~ Karl G. Maeser

          You must always keep your word if you want to be a trusted person. If you said that you would get good grades to your parents then you must keep your word because all they want is the best for you by taking you to school. But if you dont keep your promise your parents will still love you just that their heart will hurt because you didnt keep your word. In addition, lets say you have a best friend and they tell you a secret of theirs because they trust you and you go out to spill it their trust to you will be broken. Therefore, you must be loyal to your word. if you say yes then keep that yes but if you say no then no is no. We as humans need to understand that we only have each other to depend on because a animal doesn't understand how we feel and they wont talk back by giving us advice. so yes you must know how to keep your word because i can promise that when you do keep your word you look bad in front of others as well as in yourself. so just keep your word

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